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About us


Manor Church and Community Project (MCCP)


Registered Charity Number: 1163809

Who we are:

Founded in 2013, as a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO), The Manor Church and Community Project is an exciting local church initiative and Local Ecumenical Partnership, supported by the Anglican, Methodist and United Reformed Churches.

Our Vision:

The Manor Church and Community Project (MCCP) has four key aims. Working closely with community services and local families it seeks:

  1. to establish play facilities and activity centres at the heart of the Manor community, creating an inclusive, welcoming and flexible environment in which to engage in new ways with the community, particularly with young families and the elderly.
  2. to create a sustainable hub of local community activity that addresses community need, including social isolation and social deprivation.
  3. to challenge inequality and injustice, through a community development approach and working in partnership with organisations and individuals.
  4. to be a Christian presence within the Manor and Castle Ward.

Our Building:

We run the Temple Park Centre (incorporating the William Temple Church) through a lease from the Sheffield Manor Parish.

Our Partners:

We work with many local partners based on in the Manor and Castle Ward, including our primary partners: Manor After School Kids Klub (MASKK), Manor Community Childcare Centre (MCCC) and Manor and Castle Development Trust (MCDT).

Our Community Cohesion and Outreach Worker:

Lisa Wigfield - phone/text on 07547160625

Lisa has worked in church based community work for over 25 years based at Shiregreen United Reformed Church. Lisa started out as a Mum taking her children to the different church activities and then progressed to volunteering and running the toddler group, after school and holiday activities, leading creative classes for local people and managing creche provision so that parents could take time out to be creative and meet new people. This led to the development of a Community Café, working with volunteers to provide a welcoming lunch club and being the face of the church and its community outreach.

In 2014 Lisa began her training for the ministry as a Church Related Community Worker with The United Reformed Church. Sadly, Lisa’s husband died suddenly and the path she was to follow took a turn. After training Lisa returned to her previous role at Shiregreen United Reformed Church, where she is an active member of the church. 

Lisa’s son and daughter are both happily settled in their own homes. Lisa now lives at Woodseats with her partner.  

Lisa is eager to get to know the people of the Manor and the community more deeply. She has a passion for creating time and space for people to share, learn and grow together and to foster a place of belonging and of being valued for being you. 


Our Trustees:

Reverend Debora Marschner

Debora has been part of the project team since arriving in Sheffield in 2012. She is a Methodist minister who also works with three other congregations and their communities in the East of Sheffield.

Debora is passionate about working with people from all walks of life. She loves exploring questions of faith and doubt with others in various ways – by exploring biblical and other stories and what they might mean for us today, by crafting or cooking together, by sharing a conversation over a brew or by playing games together.

Debora studied theology in Berlin, Münster and Leeds and spent a year teaching English in the Diocese of Iringa, Tanzania. She was ordained in 2004 and has worked in churches in Spremberg, Germany and Leeds before coming to Sheffield.

Debora believes that God has a heart for all people and that all Christians are called to serve their local communities and to work alongside them to address and overcome issues of injustice and exclusion.


Derek Newman

Derek has followed a career in IT moving between different businesses in ICI, before becoming European IT Director based in Brussels. He then moved to Zeneca (now AstraZeneca) in London as Group Chief Information Officer (CIO). Following a period of independent consultancy working with European agrochemical and pharmaceutical companies, Derek was appointed CIO of Northern Foods based in Leeds. He also was a non-executive Director of NHS Direct, the national telephone and internet healthcare service, for 6 years before it was converted into the current regional NHS 111 service.

Since retiring, Derek has settled in Sheffield to be close to his children and grandchildren. He is involved in local community service initiatives including Croft House Settlement and the Manor Church and Community Project. He is a trustee representative of the Central United Reformed Church.


Claire Dalpra

Claire is a freelance researcher with over 20 years’ experience of research and review work in church circles, focused on mission, fresh expressions of Church and pioneering ministry. After many years working for Church Army’s Research Unit, she is most passionate about research among marginalised groups within the church and local communities. Her recent work includes an evaluation to reimagine interfaith environmental activities for young people in Birmingham, gathering responses from churchwide engagement with Living in Love and Faith and leading on reviews of Church Army projects as and when they are needed. 

Claire is a member of Sheffield Manor Parish and helps to lead their ministry among children and families. She plays the keyboard for the annual community pantomime at Victoria Methodist Church on Stafford Road, enabling local children and young people to grow in confidence. She lives on City Road with her husband and teenage daughter.


Philippa Dand

Philippa is the Children's Co-ordinator for the Sheffield Methodist Circuit, where her role is to support, equip and train churches, lay workers and volunteers in their children’s ministry. She has been in full-time children and families’ ministry since 2016, leading the children's ministry in a group of parishes in Sheffield and developing outreach with children and families in the local community. Prior to that she worked as a primary teacher and in church music. She is passionate about welcoming families into church and nurturing children’s faith.


Sue Richards



Sue is a qualified accountant and has spent most of her career working in various financial services roles in London. Having been partly based in Sheffield for a number of years she moved up full time just ahead of the pandemic and has never left!

Sue is looking for ways in which she can apply her financial skills in support of the community and is keen to learn from the other members of the team and the wider community which Temple Park Centre seeks to serve. In particular, she is keen to provide support for projects and initiatives which reflect the ideas of the local community.

Based on her background and personal experiences she has a particular interest in supporting access to education and reducing social isolation particularly for carers or those facing other challenges.

Heather Rotherham

After working in banking and bookkeeping for a company making cutlery canteens and cabinets, Heather has worked for the Methodist Circuit as an Administrator since 2007, where she mainly deals with the finances.

Heather is married to Paul and they had 3 sons. Their eldest died in 2011; the younger two live locally and between them have 3 children, so Heather is often on grandma duty which she loves.

Heather’s first connection to the Manor Estate was that her father was born on Narlowe Close, Manor in the 1930’s. Fast forward to the 1990’s when St Swithun’s Church opened, the Baptist Minister, Revd Sue Thompson, was a friend, so Heather used to go with her to deliver leaflets about services and activities at the church. Heather is passionate about social justice and fairness for all people in all communities and hopes she can put her skills to good use for MCCP.


Deacon Annabel Terry

Annabel is a Methodist Deacon in the Sheffield Methodist Circuit, where she works across the circuit in a number of different projects.

Annabel trained for ministry in Durham and was ordained in 2014, she served first in the North East of England and came to Sheffield in 2021.

Annabel is passionate about working with families, exploring faith, both inside church and outside of it! She likes to engage with people through informal worship such as Café Church and Outdoor Church, and just sitting with a mug of coffee and chatting.